Yesterday I made homemade butter! This morning I ate it on toast and it was sooo good. It reminded me of that movie Kate and Leopold where they're trying to make a commercial for butter. Leopold finally tastes the butter they are having him sell and he spits it out. He's from a time where he knows what real butter is supposed to taste like. I finally tasted real butter for the first time....too bad one gallon of milk only makes about 2 tbs. It was kind of fun, I just used my mixer and let it do the churning. It turned from whipped cream to chunky bits in about 30 minutes (I wonder how long it takes to do that by hand!) Then I pressed and rinsed all the liquid out of it, which is called buttermilk! I never really knew what buttermilk was, either I guess.
Saturday was my mom's birthday. Tonight we are having a celebration. She's a nurse, so we have to work around her crazy schedule. I'm looking forward to having my family all together. Hopefully my little sister can make it. She's also a nurse. This picture of my mom is with two of her beloved grandchildren. She *loves* her grandkids! My mom's great! I wish I got to spend more time with her. Wyatt loves her. Every time he sees her he flaps his arms and starts screeching! I'm not so sure what magical thing she does but all her grandkids just adore her. I wish he got to see his Chicago grandma more often. For the small amount of time he got to see her, he had a blast. He came back a different little boy. He dances and plays now. He makes his animals "moo", puts them *in* his barn and makes his little cars move with sound effects. He is growing up! Grandmas are a blessing.
after you ladle the cream off of the milk, let the cream sit out on the counter (covered) and get to at least room temp (like a few hours). the warmer the better. you want it to smell just slightly sour. that will give you a higher yield of butter. at least closer to half a cup from the cream of one gallon. :)
here's the link with a better description if you need. :)
When we lived in Spokane (24 years ago...boy do I feel old) we got raw milk from one of Tom's co-workers, and when we skimmed the cream off the top--it was so yummuy! We made ice cream a lot. :) I love the taste of real butter--I think our bodies do so much better with real food, not imitation.
And, I do think we got more like a half a cup of butter from one gallon of milk, when we made it. Sometimes the milk was richer than others, too.
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