Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Once Upon a Connection

A month!! It has been a month without internet! .......without cable, without a newspaper. I've been relying on word of mouth to know what's going on in the world. An old lady today let me know it was supposed to rain tonight. We were walking out of the hospital together and she volunteered the information. I was grateful. I felt like asking her how things were going in the middle east but she probably would have thought I was weird.

I've been having contractions since Friday morning. My doctor says I am dialated and that it could be 2 weeks or tomorrow that it becomes true labor. sheesh. They hurt and they come every 5 minutes for about 2 to 4 hrs at a time. I thought at the very least I'd be dialated to *something*! Anyway, I'm weary but hanging in there. Jon has really helped with laundry, cleaning and cooking, not to mention our 2 1/2 yr old sumu wrestler.

I'm writing this from my Grandma's house (even my grandma has internet! I'm starting to feel like a backwoods, barefoot and pregnant, makes my own soap over a black kettle, never combs my hair and whittles my toothpicks kind of gal) Hopefully we will have internet THIS week!!!


Mom said...

A baby any day now?
Missed you tonight, but I'm sure you were an encouragement to Grandma. So glad that you're getting internet this week!

LeeAnn said...

Miss you in blogger world! I am praying for you, cannot wait to here about the new little Vashey!