Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Still here

OK, I'm still here and I'm still pregnant. 39 weeks today. Ugh. 2 cent dialated and weight EXACTLY the same as this week when I was pregnant with Wyatt...interesting. At 39 weeks with Wyatt I was dialated 1 cent. and I had him 4 days later..........hmmmm. I won't list all my pregnancy woes but I will ask if you are praying for us, then please pray for Jon's back. It went out again. Needless to say this has made everything hard. Neither one of us can really bend or lift and you hear both of us groaning in the night. Plus, how in the world is he supposed to help me labor naturally (yes, I am still attempting a VBAC with no pain meds) or even hold the baby? I think the only thing that's keeping me sane is the "Believing God", Beth Moore Bible study. It is amazing that I am where I am with the small amount of brain cells left in my head and I'm actually learning and taking it in! I feel like it's a treat to open my Bible right now....just as good as chocolate. Who would of thought? Anyway, I can't wait to meet this little man giving me misery. I predict it's going to be this weekend!

1 comment:

Margarita said...

This weekend huh? I can't wait to hear and get pics!!