Thursday, January 8, 2009

I think it's fun to see progressions of things! Everything is taking longer than I anticipated. The upper left will be very bright with mountains, flowers and a rainbow.......maybe that will happen tonight!


Trevlyn said...

Beautiful. You're moving pretty quickly on this, girl!

The Rowland Crew said...

You are so talented! I can't wait to see the post of it finished.

LeeAnn said...

Wow Leigh, really moving work! Can't wait to see the finished product!!

Kelly said...

Gorgeous! Hey, I wanted to let you know that I borrowed a picture of Parker Puppy from your Etsy site. I sent an email out to people around here concerning CPSIA and wanted to show them a picture of one of your toys as an example. I linked to your site and to the handmade toy alliance site as well. Love you dear friend! Hope all of this works out for good!!

Life with the Akin Clan said...


I really hope that you see this soon. I mentioned that my mom makes childrens outfits and sales them on the internet. She too has been concerned about the law. She called Senator Corwyn's office and talked to the person who handles the trade issues. Basically, everyone on the internet is stirring up rumors. Most of it is false. The good wills, re-sale shops, etc. are going to stay open. The law was set in motion to help stop some of the trade in China, not shut down small businesses in America. My mom was assured that she may continue to sell her items, even after Feb. 10th. Because she makes everything at home, they are considered one of a kind. You cannot duplicate exactly unless you have a machine. The only thing she is to be careful about is the buttons. I encourage you to call Senator Corwyn's office yourself and speak to this person. My mom has called twice and has either been transferred directly or has had a return phone call. Please do not assume that because people are stating on websites that your business is closed. Go to the top dog and find out!!

Btw, your painting is awesome! What a blessing that will be to your church!

Vashey Fam said...

Thanks everyone. This really has truly been a joy to paint. It's made me think about redemption in a whole other light.
Kelly you're awesome!
Once Upon a Closet- Good for your mom! I wish they were rumors. Etsy itself has been fighting this. I've read most of the law myself and it is really not good. Different congressmen have been making statements about it to this extent, which they have retracted later once they had more info. It was for good intent but it is worded badly. I read today that they have now made a provision to the law for resale shops and for those who use natural materials. What I read of the provision was that it was for undyed wools, cotton, unpainted wood, natural gems i.e. rubies, diamonds, pearls etc. Right now, they are talking about calling smaller businesses "assemblers" rather than "manufactrers". This might be the loophole we need.