Wednesday, November 12, 2008

3rd grade & 3 little pigs


When I was in the 3rd grade I had Miss Ott. Of all my teachers, I would have to say she was my favorite. I remembered she absolutely ADORED pigs. For halloween she dressed up as Miss Piggy and gave everyone bright red kisses on the cheek. We didn't mind too much because she was so pretty and funny and we could tell she loved us. She was inspiring. She inspired us to read. She inspired us to write. In 3rd grade I decided I wanted to be a writer. She taught us to never, ever use boring words like "nice" and "good". There were so many other exciting words out there! She taught us to use our imagination. She begged us to use our imagination. We *wished* for it to rain outside so that we could stay in our room during recess and she could read to us. The first book she read was Charlie and the Chocolate factory. I distinctly remember her letting us sit under the tables while she read to us about Willy Wonka and his fantastical factory. What fun! Anyway, I've been thinking about her while I've been sewing my 3 little pigs. Foster the big brother is done....although I think I may give him a big yellow star on his chest. Clementine the sister is just about done...probably tomorrow. Wyatt is EVERYWHERE in everything! The steroids are doing crazy things to him. He aimlessly wanders and runs around destroying things. I am not exaggerating! I am looking forward to sleep tonight!

*oops, I changed his name to Baxter.....Jon, now you can stop saying I never name an animal what you want!


Tyne said...

Steroids? Huh? I missed a few posts, I guess. Or did he get into Jon's back meds? Excited to see you next week.

Vashey Fam said...

He's on oral is his last dose, halleluiah!

Anti-Supermom said...

I'm so sorry abou Wyatt being so sick, it's scary and makes you feel so helpless, but a good nights sleep helps it all.

I love this story, my great teacher was my 3rd grade teacher too.