*note: I am totally copying other art blogs with this "free giveway" idea. There are absolutely no strings attached. I just think it's fun! I have yet to win anything, but I thought I'd try my hand at the giving part!

Blueberry Apple Carrot Banana Pumpkin Peaches Strawberry
Patch Sunny Fizz Wags Dash Petal Buttercup
Cheerio Cocoa Cupcake JellyBean TicTac Pickles Biscuit
D. Other

Leigh, I like the group B names.
Hi Wyatt!
Love ya'll,
I'm voting twice.
i like the B names too.
I have to go with "B." I found your site through you SIL, The White House!
ooooooooooooo, I vote "o", just kidding. I vote B, because my nickname when I was a little girl was buttercup. How come your mom leaves comments on your blog but not on mine? super jealous. I put a post on my blog for you.
I hate to be just like everyone else but B is my favorite list of names too. Maybe I'll get really creative tonight and think up a list of my own :)
well I like group A. Those are the best! I found your blog through Tyne's blog which I found through Rusty and Whitney's. You probably remember me better as Cheyenne Warlick. :)
Tyne pointed me to your site... way cute! I vote for the B names too!
I'm going to be different and vote for C. Nothing's better than a little dog named Pickles. :)
Bronwyn votes for the C names. She likes Cheerio and Jellybean. I'll cast my vote with her - she has more imagination than I do. :)
D mo-jo, fozzy, sabaka, shoelace, chipy, tootsie, honeycomb
Shoelace....how cute! You guys are great!
the b names are the best!
I found your through the White House. You are so talented! I love your stuff! If I don't win, I might have to stop at your shop sometime. I vote for group A.
I'm going to be difficult. - D
My thing is each dog has to have it's particular name. And to come up a name I have to see the dog. :) But the ones like are:
1. jelly belly (bellie for short - the one with pink ears and a pink body -second blog post),
2. pickles or green bean (beanie for short)(checkered green - 2nd post),
3. cupcake (orange -original post),
4. patch (the one with green patches over his eyes - original post),
5. sunny (all yellow - 2nd post)
6. squash or buttercup (outer ears yellow and inner ears pink with yellow body),
7. blueberry (blue face with green checkers),
MAN they are so cute. I vote for group A, I see there are no votes for A - but I still love them. Classic and still fresh~
I love the B names! They are so adorable!
I will have to go with B. You might also offer to do custom names for people! I would love to win because the prize you have made is cute as can be!!! (As are the puppies - just adorable.) I get lucky sometimes and I hope that this is one of them...
Fingers and toes are crossed.
Happy weekend.
I vote for A--but instead of "Apple" it should be "Turnip." You could name your favorite Turnip. =)
Sorry, I changed my mind.
D. Teddy, Jackie, Freddy, Twirly, Janey, Petey, and Rosie.
I vote for Group A!!!
I vote with Stephanie's D choices. Very cute grabbing a couple of names from each list...I love them!
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