Yea! So, I can't spell "Buttercup" apparently.....and I can't figure out how to change it on the slide show....so she is now Bootercup! No, not really, *but* I have had a productive last few days. I finally finished the portrait I've been working on for months. It's so hard to find time to work on art like this, because Wyatt always wants to be in my business. That doesn't work when your doing something messy and permanent. So painting happens during naps and late nights. I'll be mailing that and Summer Mouse tomorrow probably. I will be sad to see her go, but Chelle and her little girl seem to have a loving home for her.
I have an art camp this week. A couple of girls come and hang out at my dining room table and we create. It's so fun watching how excited they get when they learn something as simple as how to thread and tie a knot for your needle. It's also fun to lay out the massive amounts of felt and ribbons and see what colors they choose and how they combine them. It gives me a little soul tickle to know that these kids will never view fabric the same way again. It will now be a canvas to use their imaginations with, rather than something boring that grandma uses to quilt with. (Mom, you are *not* boring and your quilts are anything *but* boring...just a stereotype)
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