Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Sorry I haven't blogged much lately. There has been so much going on, that I don't think I can even talk about it all here. Some very important things:
1. Putting our house up for sale. We're talking to a real estate agent this weekend. We're going to try and move into a smaller house to cut down on our mortgage. We really want to be debt free!
2. Depressed about legality of my making stuffed animals. I won't be able to sell on-line anymore. I was actually making enough money with them to help with our income. I'm going to have to get over it I guess, and figure something else out.
3. Husband undergoing tests on his back to determine what can be done to relieve his pain.
4. Working on a painting for my church. They are making a room for people to pray in, specifically about redemption. When they talked about it in church last Sunday, an idea for a painting flashed into my I just have to get that on canvas. I have never painted Jesus before and it is strange. It's disturbing with him being on the cross and me putting him there with my paints. I keep thinking, He's not really on it anymore! He's alive! This painting signifies to me his sacrifice and suffering for all the things evil and wrong. The buildings below are made from mewspaper articles. Anyway, there is a lot of feeling as I'm doing this.
I've gotten it all drawn out, now I just need to actually paint it. It's cold in the garage!!


Stephanie said...

So cool! That's awesome that God gave you the idea. I can imagine a lot going through your mind in something like this. Perhaps God wants to show you something in drawing and painting it that others will be dramatically affected by. God works in such mysterious ways like that. May He use every ounce of what is stirred up in you to bring release and blessings to others.

The Peacock Pearl said...

i heard monday night that you were doing that room and i got SO excited to see what the Lord will do through you!!!!!!

Kelly said...

Wow! Lots of news! The drawing is beautiful. As for your business, can you still sell to friends?

Anonymous said...

Great painting!!! What a blessing to share your art to encourage others! :)

Tyne said...

Wow! Y'all have a lot going on. Thanks for forwarding those links to me for photoshop from Jon. We will be praying about his back and your house. I didn't know that you were thinking about selling it. We signed our listing contracts tonight for our house.