Monday, March 31, 2008

Spare Oom/Art Show/New Piano

We got a new piano Saturday! Jon and Darren lugged this mammoth, solid oak music maker all the way from Sabine! Isn't it beautiful? I think it looks great in our living room, even though it's huge. I've still yet to play it, which is really sad!
.......busy, busy, busy getting ready for my student art show! Check out the mess my spare oom is in!! Jon's mom and sister are coming to stay in a couple of weeks, so I need to clean, clean. clean. Not until after the art show, though! Actually, it's mostly fabric and magazines. Anybody want to come help me organize? I am really bad at it!
Everyone is welcome at my student art show! Please come! It's tomorrow (Tues) in Bridge 281 from 7-8:30pm (come and go). I hope I see you there!


Tyne said...

cool, where did you get the piano? Caleb and I just posted on FreeCycle a week ago looking for one. Caleb really misses playing! tyne

The Peacock Pearl said...

i'm excited to see the art show!!!!

Kelly said...

:( I'll miss the art show. But I can come help you organize. :) We'll be going to Oklahoma City Friday, but every other day this week I'm available. I'll give you a call.